September 2021 - Technophd



Thursday, September 30, 2021

Your Friday Briefing
The Many Layers of Lorna Simpson
A survey finds more U.S. parents say they’re willing to vaccinate their children.
Nearly two months after mandate, 91 percent of Tyson Foods’ workers are vaccinated.
John Mackey to step down as chief executive of Whole Foods.
R. Kelly’s Lawyers Attacked His Accusers. It Backfired.
There’s Nothing to Like in Facebook’s Plans to Hook Our Kids
As Need in Afghanistan Grows Dire, Aid Groups Plead for Help
Ozy Media’s chairman resigns as company faces questions.
How to Fend Off Winter Depression
Review: In ‘Never Let Go,’ a Solo Performer’s Heart Goes On
New Paramount chairman continues to clean house, showing another executive the door.
An Artist’s Portraits, Stitched Together on the Subway
This Is Why Your Toaster Will Break
What Students Are Saying About Teaching Race in Schools, Reviving Extinct Animals and Live Sports
With Big, Bold Art, Sarah Cain Redefines Seriousness in Painting
Supreme Court to Hear Ted Cruz’s Campaign Finance Challenge
Hundreds are quarantining in one of N.J.’s biggest school districts.
The Senate passes a short-term spending bill to keep the government open. It heads to the House next.
Breaking Up the Philanthropy ‘Boys Club’

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Outside the courthouse, Britney Spears fans wait for news of the hearing.
Japan’s Likely Next Prime Minister Tries to Set Himself Apart
Talk of Iraq Recognizing Israel Prompts Threats of Arrest or Death
Brooklyn Bishop to Retire After Vatican Clears Him of Child Sexual Abuse
England’s Premier League offers to ‘reward’ soccer teams that increase vaccine compliance.
Spears spoke publicly about the conservatorship for the first time in June.
Your Thursday Briefing
My Fellow Americans, Let’s Be Better Tourists
Stephanie Grisham, the Latest White House Memoirist, Offers Apologies and Payback
Review: Bill T. Jones’s Oceanic Vision
पैसेफिक रिम व्यापार समूह में शामिल होने से जुडे ताइवान के आवेदन को रोकगा चीन

पैसेफिक रिम व्यापार समूह में शामिल होने से जुडे ताइवान के आवेदन को रोकगा चीन

September 29, 2021 0 Comments
बीजिंग ने बुधवार को कहा कि वह पैसेफिक रिम (प्रशांत महासागर से लगा भौगोलिक क्षेत्र) के देशों की एक व्यापार पहल में शामिल होने के लिए ताइवान द...
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A Historic Night as the Metropolitan Opera Tries to Ensure Its Future
In Week of Words, It Often Seemed Like the Divided Nations
Will the hearing delve into the issues raised by three new documentaries?
Forget the ‘Hero’s Journey’ and Consider the Heroine’s Quest Instead
Illuminati Hotties’ Wonderfully Warped Punk-Pop
Clive Sinclair, Inventive Computer Pioneer, Dies at 81
Los adoptados no deberían vivir con miedo a ser deportados
‘Stalkerware’ Apps Are Proliferating. Protect Yourself.
What could happen in court today.
Who is the judge presiding over the conservatorship case?

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

A Brexit-Weary Britain Finds Itself in a New Crisis With Brexit Overtones
LeBron James said he had been vaccinated, after evading questions about his vaccination status last season.
Are you dealing with social anxiety?
‘I Feel an Abundance’: A Composer Dips Into the Dance World
Jim Jarmusch’s Collages Are Ready for Their Close-Up
Failure to Raise Debt Limit Would be ‘Catastrophic,’ Yellen Says
Are you still not working because of the pandemic? We want to hear from you.
German Election Leaves Merkel’s Conservatives in Disarray
What to Know About Evergrande
Amazon announces Astro, a home robot that it swears is more than Alexa on wheels.